Caffeinated Commentary

First Day of Content Creation 

Today marks the first time I have truly made an effort to put a small portion of my creative process out into the giant ether of the internet. Everything must be taken in stride, and in this case, baby steps.

I will continue to share the things that I am doing and hopefully it will pique the interest of someone. The creative mind is vast and should be taken in small bites.

Posting daily surely has its advantages, but also takes a bit of planning so definitely expect more posts to come as I document my media…

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Press any key to start 


I'm fully caffeinated and ready to go. So let's go. 

Let's start. 

Maybe I'll start soon. 

I'll just start later. 

Eh, I'll start tomorrow.

Man, I'm too tired, I'll just do it later.

The above statements (well, excuses) ring true to many facets of our lives. Maybe we're trying to start a new career, or leaving our current one because we are treated unfairly, building a treehouse for your kids, cleaning the garage, etc. Whatever the project or end goal is that we have written down or in our heads, the hardest…

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Show Your Work! 


In my quest to be more present, I have come across a great book called “Show Your Work!” by Austin Kleon. This was on a recommended reading least by a fantastic composer, Zach Heyde. 

I recently become one of his patrons and joined his Discord server which is loaded with resources beyond those for music composition. In this book, there are many easily attainable steps on creating an audience. Chasing and searching for an audience is actually the exact opposite of what should be done to obtain one. Let your…

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Time Management 

“I would love to get started on that but I don't have time.” 

“There aren't enough hours in a day.”

“Man I wish I had more time to do other things.”

If any of the above statements sound familiar, you are not alone. The creative brain constantly struggles with the management of time. As one may notice, these are primarily excuses to procrastinate. Sure, there are absolutely real reasons to not be able to start or finish something and as the saying goes “life gets in the way”, but we can still create the time we…

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Vienna Symphony Library Contest 

It has been a while since I have expressed my thoughts here on the blog.

I have been having some severe writer's block on this one. VSL posted a contest where you MUST use their free libraries ( To that end, these free libraries sound absolutely incredible and I think I'm going to use them on future projects. 

However, because they are so limited, I am very much stuck on figuring out a genre I can write it or even create a hybrid genre using these…

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I Graduated from Berklee - Now What? 

It has been quite the journey since I started at Berklee College of Music. My final project turned out nicely and I sent the score and mockup to a conductor friend of mine to see what he thinks.

But, now what do I do? Find real professional gigs and become a working composer? Why, yes! That is the plan!

I have been working gradually on my Wwise certification training so that I am prepared to take the exam and become Wwise certified, and I have started ideas on my D&D instrumental/orchestral album. 


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Working, working, working 

I have been thinking that it has been a bit of time since my last post. 

Let's start this post with a nice cup of coffee. As a coffee connoisseur, I do my best to give recommendations to fellow coffee drinkers and enthusiasts. My latest kick has been brewing a cup of coffee via pour over method. I use a ceramic pour over dripper with finely ground Italian coffee blend, Intenso Miscela Forte. It has become one of my favorite coffees and is difficult to find. I actually have to order this from an Italian café…

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Podcast - Production and Music Writing 

I have been fortunate enough to have found great friends that have stuck for over 20 years.

One of those friends decided they wanted to start a podcast about video games back in 2017. We started to grow and hit a decent stride but had to continuously reschedule recording sessions or take an extended hiatus. Despite that, I had a lot of fun producing it, distributing it, and creating the music for it.

I have had a hankering to bring this podcast back from the grave and redesign it from the ground up. I am…

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New Video Game Demo Reel Now Live! 

Hello everyone! I have created an interactive video game scoring video that talks about how I used Wwise and Unity to bridge together some interactive music for a free asset game called Nightmares.

In this video, I show how the game works and then dive into some of the technical details involved with using Wwise and integrating with a game engine. To view, simply go to my Music page. Hope you enjoy! 

New Album Coming Soon 

For fans of Dungeons & Dragons including myself, I have an album in the works that will be original instrumentals to accompany your quests and help you rise to victory! I will be posting updates along the way and some sneak peeks of some of the tracks that will be featured. Be sure to follow along and happy playing!

Audio and post production done under the alias Acoustic Velocity